Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Waiting For A Wintry Mix

A Snow Free Roof

The Snow Leopard


Anonymous said...

S/He looks so serious, poised with such a regal posture. There must be movement off in the distance.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Crawford looks so handsome in his thick winter fur. It is mixing here right now.

Christopher C. NC said...

Grace that is Crawford the male. He is a better posuer more times than Collar, the female.

Lisa that is a fetching shot of Crawford. It is mixing here now too. Rain, snow and freezing rain all coming down together. It is supposed to warm in the night and turn to all rain. Maybe it will rain enough to melt the remaining snow before the bitter cold comes.

Lola said...

Hooray for the clear roof.
Now Crawford, he's the cat's Love that pose of him. He sure is a pretty Kittie.
I'm hoping for you that the snow will melt all away. The sleet & freezing rain in no picnic. It's terrible.
This weekend is to be very cold. Down in the 20's some nights. So guess I best start covering some things up.

Carol Michel said...

I hate the dreaded wintry mix. Hate it!

Anonymous said...

What is the object in the first picture?

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola we are headed into a week where it is not going to be above freezing with lows in the teens. Whatever is goning to melt has to do it today.

It is rather annoying Carol when the precipitation can't seem to decide on what form to take. I woke to a light new dusting of snow on the drive, rain wet decks and melting piles of the two week old stuff. How is a person supposed to plan for this mix.

Sallysmom that is the top of a metal Japanese lantern sculpture thingy.

Siria said...

Hi Christopher...beautiful picture of Crawford. I can't get my dogs to sit still like that for a good picture. If you are heading to Asheville, check Target for snow shovels. That is where we found one.