Monday, February 15, 2021

A Hot Spot Bloom Day

There are gnarly winter storms happening today coast to coast and way down south in Texas where such things should not be happening. I lucked out. It is now day four of fog, drizzle, mist, rain, hovering 40 degrees and more fog. Lots and lots of fog. The snow will be back on Thursday Wednesday. That is to be expected this time of year,

I am in a hot spot for Bloom Day and the Witch Hazels are taking advantage. 'Arnold's Promise' is swelling yellow.

A few flowers have opened. 'Arnold' is the last of the three kind H. x intermedia I have to bloom.

'Jelena' is in full bloom.

'Jelena' and 'Arnold' together on the edge of the Great Lawn.

Along the drive 'Diane' is in full bloom beside 'Jelena' #2. There is also a 'Jelena' #3. I like 'Jelena'.

The snowdrops are enjoying this 40 degree heat wave too.

That reminds me. A big fat clump of snowdrops got dug up that were in the middle of the road going to the Turnip Fields. I need to go fetch them and spread them around now that my sciatica and all the snow is gone.

Gone for now at least.

Winter is not done with me yet, but my Bloom Days in the garden have started. I spotted the first crocus coming up.

The Under Garden of winter did not get a lot of show and tell this year. It was covered in snow for a good long spell.

What do you think? After ten years, is it a garden yet? Not quite your typical foundation planting that is for certain. No matter, in 40 degree heat waves it is a garden that brings me outside. 


Anna K said...

Wonderful Hamamelis! My snowdrops were emerging too, but are all buried under snow right now. Your garden looks positively balmy!

Arun Goyal said...

Stunning beautiful blooms..I absolutely loved the Jelena blooms,It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at

Gypsy said...

Good morning Christopher: Your garden and the cozy cabin in the background looks lovely with all your maturing evergreens. Gardens are in perpetual motion aren't they; always something to admire, always something to be added to, moved around or shared with. Almost a garden constantly in the making. It is part of the fun. We had ICE; lots of it. Starkly beautiful but very damaging. I kept thinking of the song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. However, I'll be playing pickem up sticks for days. Enjoy the quiet before the next storm. Gypsy