Friday, December 21, 2007

The Silence Of The Fog

A quiet has descended on the forest.
The trees have gone silent.
Blinded by a slow shroud of mist
They can't see to speak.

In a dying Hemlock forest
Not even the groans of decaying limbs are heard.
The winged denizens
Speak for the forest now.
In a multitude of voices.

Always silent lichens
Drink up this thick shroud.

The world turns into blurred lines
In the silence.

The silence of the fog.


chuck b. said...

Okay, spooky. Not really festive. What's next? A murder? The Headless Horseman galloping out of the woods?

Christopher C. NC said...

You're a brave man Chuck B.

Unknown said...

Lovely, Christopher... and haunting at the same time. :) Merry Christmas to you.

lisa said...

Nice prose...goes along with the "Deliverance" scene down by the