Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Few Days Ago

Spring continues unfrozen despite an attempt at snow in the last round of rain and cold. I had to rush the house plants back inside because the suggested low was breached well before bedtime. That's when I saw the snow mixing in with the rain. What the.....

I went to visit the trilliums on a pleasant evening stroll.

Trillium grandiflorum

The Bluebells have arrived. I need to get some pictures of the really big show in the ridge top garden next door.

It's raining again. Another storm front is passing through.

Back to cooler for a couple days.

By this weekend we will be doing hot.

That will be a good time to start my seed trays of fine produce for the roadside vegetable garden.

And a long slow stroll with the Spanish Bluebells next door.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This crazy weather! Had my first bearded iris this past week. Fun times at Greenbow too.