Tuesday, April 7, 2020

More Spring At The Posh Estate

The 2020 Haywood County Extension garden tour scheduled for July 11 was cancelled due to a virus. I am annoyed. My handiwork at the Posh Estate and the Inn at Tranquility Farm were going to be on display. I was expecting the best in show ribbon as a fitting end to a long career as a peasant gardener.

One day in July doesn't tell the whole picture of any garden though. I like to start show time much earlier than July and run it all year long. In July, the Creeping Phlox is a non-descript green groundcover.

Bleeding Heart, Celandine Poppy and Hellebore will all be finished blooming well before summer.

This is the spring show.

And it has been a most excellent spring show this year with all the warm weather. It has been so nice, a lot of the shrubberies are looking like the middle of May. That has me very afraid. April has been known to turn polar. That would make me very sad. It could be a show killer.

We are well past bud break.

While early spring is still underway.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Wow, this looks great. I can see right now that I need to think in large numbers.