Monday, September 21, 2020

The Blue Asters Join In

All of a sudden the season changed. It felt like the flip of a switch.

The 40 degree low was one thing.

The big change I really noticed was the quality of the light. A rare full sun day occurred and half the garden was already in shade most of the day.

The sun has sunk low in the sky. My trees have grown taller in the last decade.

That is the signal for the blue asters to begin.

Blue asters in blue light.

No wonder it can be so difficult to capture the true colors of the blues.

The bloom of the blue asters has begun to sweep across the meadows while Joe Pye and Goldenrod still have their color. It doesn't always happen that way. They can miss each other in peak bloom.

You really have to be here to see it.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

The light has definitely changed. Happy Fall...

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I think the light must have changed while I was under a week plus of hurricane clouds.