Sunday, May 25, 2008

Roadside Produce

It is good to learn your lessons early. Don't plant the warm season vegetables until it is warm! Like closer to Memorial day or when you actually wear shorts for the first time since last year.

The melons that succumbed to hypothermia have been replaced and low and behold, with highs in the low 70's and the lows around 50, all the other warm season vegetables are looking much perkier. It is like they have a reason to live now.

Is it strange that after all these years I can still get excited about the first produce from my garden?

I was used to plucking avocado and oranges from my trees and now I am excited by radishes. The blueberry bushes are looking like they will have a good crop. We just have to outsmart the birds at the right time.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Perfect little gems from your garden.

Frances, said...

Good looking radishes and your veggie patch is quite attractive. We are being overrun with sugar snap peas at the moment, so fun!

Cheryl said...

The garden looks great. Watch those birds. They're too greedy to leave you any blueberries.

Christopher C. NC said...

The radishes were very spicy, yumm. My sugar snap peas are still only about six inches tall. Our cool really slows things down.

Hi Cheryl. I'm watching the blueberries. We have netting if needed. I may need to plant more of them down in my section.