The programming on Blogger is fixed, upgraded and changed often enough. If it is working, I don't pay much attention to the details or a lot of the bells and whistles that may be available. There is only so much technology I am willing to absorb. Things can change and I might not notice or might not care.
I have other things to think about.

Like planting and mulching this long hillside on the left of the drive as it approaches the cabin, keeping in mind that underground utilities, septic drain lines and possibly a road, turning left between the telephone pole and the cabin to access the bottom and opposite side of the small valley.

And we need to think about the safest way to attach plywood to the high side of the cabin which is seven feet six inches off the ground at the bottom of the wall. If possible we want to avoid renting scaffolding. Cheap. Cheap. Small temporary ledgers will be attached under the floor's siding board at the right height to rest the plywood on while moving it into position.

I thought and this was confirmed, this will be a Poppy.

Will I be able to have larger pictures on my blog?

There is a considerable difference between two gardens and two sizes of picture.

One is full and lush with many species and blooms that cover the full seasons. The other is filled with tiny sprigs and baby plants. It has potential and will grow. Just like you can click on the pictures and they enlarge.

My one year anniversary approaches.

What I am seeing now will complete one full season of living the life of gardening in the low spot on a North Carolina mountaintop.
Happy 1 yr anniversary. In January was my one year anniversary since moving to BC from the US. It's not been an easy transistion, I'm happy you have your beautiful garden to inspire you. I've taken up photography to help me cope with the many changes.
Wow the house is really taking shape! I love my garden but sometimes I really envy all the woodland acres you have to play with there. Plus I love NC.
Hi Christopher, Has it been a year already? So fast, this time thing, or does it seem long to you? I always use large to upload the photos, but they are not as large as I would like. Does it just mean how large it appears when clicked upon? Absorbing technology is painful for me too, just enough to do what is desired on the blog is all that I allow to penetrate. I am sure you and the contractor will figure out an ingenious way to lift the plywood up where it needs to go. I just went back to see who left comments when I first began blogging in December, and found that you were one of the very first non family readers. Many thanks for that.
Chrisss, I am lucky to have much to keep me busy. People keep asking if I miss Hawaii yet and the answer is still no. I miss my friends and being around people more, but it was the right choice.
Western North Carolina is gorgeous Elizabeth. The temperate forest with less of the extreme hot and cold.
Frances, the large makes them bigger on the blog which is nice, not on the click to enlarge. You can see the size difference in the post. Time seems to have slowed down for me. I think it is the fact of not being in the same old routine.
Great photos. I get frustrated with Blogger because I can't post large pics either. I think maybe it has something to do with the blog layout you choose? I don't know. I see large photos on other blogs but it doesn't work for me.
Phillip, I clearly remember a time when if the pictures were too big it would push the entire sidebar below the content column. About a week ago I noticed the pictures were spacing differently in the post editor. They had changed something, so I tried the larger image choice and it worked. Maybe you should try it again with your template.
I never know if any of my photos will enlarge when clicked...when it happens it's a total surprise because I think they're all about the same size.
Congratulations on one year of being a Highlander rather than an Islander, Christopher!
"...a Highlander rather than an Islander" Annie sure has a way with words! That's perfect, and Happy Anniversary!
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