There has been lots of nail pounding in the last two days. Metal straps and brackets are being attached all over the cozy little cabin. The main girders were strapped to the cement columns. The floor is bracketed to the girders. The walls are now strapped to the floor. The studs are now bracketed to the wall frame plates, top and bottom. The roof will be strapped to the walls.
If'n a mighty storm or a ternader comes, my cozy little cabin should stick together in one piece.

With all that nail pounding and bending and twisting and crawling around, my hip must be out of alignment again. You will have to straighten this picture in your minds eye. My cabin really isn't crooked.

Lots of details before the roof building begins. I think we are even going to put on most of the plywood that goes under the Hardie Board, a cement fiber mesh siding material. That and a metal roof will make the cozy little cabin a bit more fire proof.

A nice walk in the evenings helps stretch things back into better alignment. You have to go slow. There is so much to see and appreciate.
I'm so interested in your pictures that I forget to read the content.
You're right about Blogger. That message was irritating and it didn't work anyway.
I was playing with one of the "fun options" in the photo editing. Thanks for saying hello Jane Marie.
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