It is a good thing I have acres of trails to wander, to cleanse my mind and spirit, to be reminded of what really matters, life and this good earth.
It has taken a week since returning from my brother's wedding to get back into what appears to be the routine of the tragically under-employed. The march of the wildflowers goes on undisturbed by any commotion in my life.
Lobelia siphilitica, the Great Blue Lobelia is every where, blooming like crazy.

Helianthus maximiliani continues to bloom despite a drought which thankfully has ended. There has been rain anyway since I got back. After Miss Fay gave us 6.5 inches, there was another week of nothing and a few potted plants on the deck where rather crispy upon my return. Oh well there are plenty more and the near dead seem to be recovering slowly. Let's see greenhouse/cold frame with irrigation system, row covers for fall veges, meditation maze and tea house overlooking the stream. What else was it I needed? Oh yea, a job. All in good time.

I told you it would return to me. This is Ligularia dentata, Bigleaf Ligularia or Golden Groundsel. There needs to be much much more of this.

Bit by bit the cozy cabin gets incrementally drier, as bit by bit the rains return. I managed to get two sections of the ridge caps on the roof, one permanently, the other temporarily. I couldn't quite reach all the way on the front living room end and was asked not to climb on the roof while I am here alone, so I just put it on with two screws until I can properly seal it and screw the whole thing on. It rains less inside now. I even managed a decent temporary plywood cover for the high back end of the loft ridge peak by going from inside.

Fifteen pound felt paper goes on the exterior walls first followed by the house wrap. Then it is time for doors and windows. I have doors and windows on my cozy little cabin. Yippee!

Can you have a favorite Goldenrod? This one that I think is Solidago roanensis stays shorter and more compact and blooms directly along the stems.

It is time for other things now. The Anemone, a sure sign of fall, is blooming with the first of the still unidentified blue aster that will sweep the mountain in great waves and last well after the first frosts.

It is best not to get to far ahead in my thinking. There are still plenty of glorious warm days to come and way to many tomatoes to eat. The world's ugliest tomato is ripe now. I'll have to eat it with Carol's wild dreams in mind.

A bit of a surprise, very out of the routine, for this blogger in the wilderness were several nominations for the annual Blog Asheville's Extravablogaversipaloozathonamado. It's a blogger party.
Christopher, a big congratulations on all the nominations! I'm glad the locals are appreciating you as much as the rest of us.
Great looking wild flowers, Christopher. Sure seems to be plenty to please the eye.
The cabin is looking more like home with each item that you accomplish. Yes, for goodness sake don't climb on the roof when you are alone.
Congratulations on all the awards. I knew you would get some after all that you have accomplished in such a short time.
Thanks Pam. There is a big blog community here and I am seeing some actual local gardening blogs now. Nothing like Austin's garden bloggers though.
Lola I have only been nominated and haven't won anything yet. There is only an Outside chance for me winning, being up against very good popular local Asheville bloggers.
The wildflowers look lovely and the cabin is looking good.
Congratulations on the local nominations... if there's ever a Mousie for Inspirational Garden Blog you'll get that nomination, too, Christopher.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi Christopher, you've got my vote, if I can vote. I will let the Brokenbeats know too.
Your cabin looks like a home already, cozy and comfy. I'll bet you can't wait to get into your very own space. Very very very your own. How wonderful. Love that goldenrod too, with the flowers along the stem, but with your space, the tall ones can reach to the sky and still look like dwarfs.
Hi Christopher! CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's no surprise to me as you have an incredible blog....your photographs are awesome, the content interesting and educational, and not to mention inspirational! I hope you win (you already did with me anyways).
The cabin progress is so much fun to see. You are getting there. Right now it looks like an advertisement for Lowe's. Have you approached them to see if they are interested in using your cabin for a photo shoot? :))
All your flowers are just beautiful too, but I especially like the Anemone.
Have a great weekend!
Like I said, Congrats on all you've won. I just know you will.
I guess I come for the cabin as much as the flowers and commentary - because I have cabin envy. I'd like a little cabin in the mountains. But I don't have one and I won't have one, so I'm greatly enjoying watching yours emerge from the hillside.
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