The environment for sweet corn continued to head into the red zone and that pattern looked like it will hold for some time.

With a laissez faire attitude, lax over sight and no regulations being enforced in the Silver Queen Sweet Corn market, the imagined ears of sweet corn began to vanish in the night.

The arrival of each passing day, revealed more of the imagined sweet corn had evaporated from the sweet corn market faster than the morning dew on a warm sunny day.

Panicked sweet corn eaters stripped the stalks of some of the plumpest ears, despite concerns that the assets of the ears had not reached full maturity. Amid the rotten fruits gathering at the base of the sweet corn market, corn eaters were happy to get what they could while it was still possible.

The always rosy prognostications of smooth sailing in clear skies bathed in a golden glow of safety

began to give way to the reality of ominous storm clouds on the horizon as far as the eye could see. Future predictions look decidedly chilly.

The real future for Silver Queen Sweet Corn is coming closer into view.

The end of an era as we know it may be happening again before our very eyes.

The dreaded corn huskers struck again. Booooo
Lovely photos accompaning such tragic news.
Oh Christopher, how heart breaking for the sweet corn. At least you got a couple. Maybe next yr. will be better. The pics are very nice but the ones of the old barn are so precious. When my eyes fell upon those my heart stopped for a second. What gorgeous pics. Is the barn close to you? It reminded me of Cades Cove. If you haven't been there you must make a point to go. Take a picnic lunch & have a wonderful time.
Ha, very clever analogy! But I am sadder for your loss of the sweet corn than for Wall Street! I have had that happen to me; one can't beat these determined varmints. Perhaps there is an electric fence in your future; after all that telephone pole is soooo close.... (:
Come to think of it, I don't know if electric fences work for raccoons? Could they slip in between the strands?
Hi Christopher....great post. Sorry to hear those pesky raccoons are still around. It looks like maybe you might have to find some Silver Queen at Duckett's or the Asheville Farmer's market instead.
Time to move assets into daffodil and tulip futures?
Hi Christopher, so does this mean you have given up on growing corn, or just for this year? Sometimes the farmer's market is the best option, let them fight with the raiders. You must be having some fantastic morning fog up on the mountain lately. I love fog.
Two new Piet books arrived today, and your wildflowers far surpass anything he and tons of cash can put together.
Yep them corn huskers are pillaging during the night Lisa.
Lola that barn/shed is along the highway in Crabtree, right before you turn to go up to Siria's house. I know I have been to Cade's Cove, propably when I was still a kid.
Bev there may need to be a shotgun in my future. Dang varmints!
Siria, I'm not sure Duckett's would have fresh sweetcorn so late. I planted it on the 4th of July.
Chuck, very wise advice.
Frances, I will plant corn again. I got some from the first batch and am getting a few from the 4th of July corn. I can share grudgingly. The fog here is different. I'm either in it or above it. When it sits thick in the valley some mornings it is like a lake of fog.
But it's beautiful isn't it, Christopher?
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