The Humane Society came and got Chow Fun today. Thank you very much to the irresponsible dog owner who has made me feel terrible about your dog.

A distinct chill increased as the day wore on. I needed a sweat shirt to stay warm. It was 58 degrees at 6pm. I am not ready for this sort of thing.
Will a late blooming transplanted Joe Pye Weed make me feel warm?

The news I woke to this morning was grim. The laissez-faire, deregulated, hope that you get trickled on economic policies of the Republican party continue to plummet to their natural conclusion. The house of cards that greed built is going up in smoke. Will September 15th 2008 become the day when the Republican party is finally known as "the party that wrecked America?" Of course you can't dismiss the supporting role of the rest of the lesser politicians known as the Democrats.
This one little Sedum 'Lidakense' has been propagated from cuttings into well over a dozen starts. Maybe this will help me feel a sense of abundance. It's cheery red blooms late in the season are an added bonus.

The second patch of corn planted on the 4th of July has finished blooming and is settling in to form some ears. The coming week looks chilly. I wonder what that may do to the corn? I do know the raccoon has already taken his portion of the crop, impatient varmint, having discovered it during my absence. Now that the corn is being personally irrigated again the pillaging has stopped.

Further afield Goldenrod still holds forth in a section of the roadside vegetable garden. If need be there is more room for food production. How that could happen without me learning how to freeze the stuff is another question. Even with predation, ugly tomatoes and miniature melons, the vegetable garden is bountiful.

The other major event of the day was the beginning of my own road to nowhere. An earmark from the federal government is not paying for it and I will never pretend I wasn't for it all along. I was however more for it when it was an idea in my head than I am now that I see it. It changes things dramatically and I swear I felt the earth cry.

It's not like this was virgin ground or that nature itself doesn't tear wounds into the earth. It was just the reopening of an old wound trying to heal.

There was a purpose. The septic system is being installed. For now the road goes to the drain field and the main drain line leading to the field will be in the center of the road. Later the road will head on down to the bottom of the property. This just get two things done at the same time while a machine is here working.

The road cut has created two steep banks that will need to be planted and stabilized. When I think about it, I will be able to incorporate this into the design idea of a sunny hillside of low mounding texture and color. It's just much steeper than it was before. It looks scary, but the banks along the drive at the resident gardeners house are just like this and haven't moved in thirty years and I have way more sun to grow things.
The road to nowhere does have a point. I will be able to use a truck as a gardening tool to haul stuff when needed. This area between the cabin and the road and over the drain field will be the main cultivated and civilized garden area that I create. Once this septic system is in, the real gardening can begin.

So sorry it was a gloomy Bloom Day. There are up to a hundred others to choose from by now at Carol's May Dreams Gardens Bloom Day headquarters.
Another pesky aster has appeared. This one is white with very tiny leaves. If I was organized I might start a list of all the different asters on this mountain. For now it will have to be the unidentified white aster.

Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow.

I would like to have a larger store of warm memories before the chilling days to come.
It was a gloomy day here, too, weather wise, with low clouds and it never did warm up properly. But tomorrow should be sunny and this growing season has a few good weeks left in it!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Sunny & hot here. Later in week it's supposed to get a bit cooler--nothing drastic. I love looking at all the beautiful wild flowers you have blooming. You do have a wealth of beauty around you. I can pic you in your homey cabin looking out at all that beauty whether it be summer or winter.
Just know that the "bear" will be ok. Someone will give him/her a good home.
I think once the corn is pollinated, you're probably all set. (Pollination is the hardest part.) Have you had any of it yet? I think you said you picked some too early, but I can't remember.
Hi Christopher, it was a glum day yesterday. But another step forward with the septic tank dug. The vision plows on with the undulating beds. Having seen the steep cuts above and below the resident gardener's driveway, and the subsequent self sowing in the gravel from the higher plane, excitement of what is to be must overtake the depths of despair. I know the whole Chow Fun incident was a harsh blow, but you may have put him on the road to a fine new home with people who will love and care for him properly. That is the way you must see it. Maybe someday soon you will have you very own little critter, now that is a pleasant thought.
We finally got our first almost chill in the air today. I love a good cloudy day. They're usually not unbearably hot.
I hope your visiting bear/dog finds a good home. An abandoned puppy got lucky down here. He caught me on a weak moment, and now we have a very friendly, probably 6 month old, probably lab, puppy. He was so skinny that he just about doubled his weight in six weeks. BTW he has blue fur.
Hi Christopher! Don't feel guilty about Chow Fun. He was lucky to have found you to take care of him for a few days. I am sure the Humane Society will find him a family that will give him a good home. Your corn is looking really good and so are all the beautiful wild flowers. Can't wait to see what you do with all those steep hills as I need help with what to do with mine!
Hi Christopher, I forgot to mention that both your photo and the photo for s. october daphne look like what I have. On dave's garden site the photos looked slightly different. There may be some mislabeled photos out in internetland. Now I am more confused than before.
A pox on irresponsible pet owners and supply side politicians. I hope your gloom will lift soon.
I hope you are all perked up by now Christopher. The Chow will probably be in someones happy little home soon and the sun will be out to cheer you on. I have some pesky wild white asters popping up in the front garden.
Another gloomy day today Carol, but I managed to plant some Chicory and Hollyhocks I grew from seed.
I hope the "bear" finds a good home Lola.
Chuck this is my second batch of corn. We got some fairly good ears from the first batch. Bulbarella was lovin it.
Frances I look forward to the day when I feel settled enough for my own critter. These steep cuts are the norm in these parts. I have more rocks now too. Hmmm. Mislabeled internet plant pictures are common. My sedum came labeled as Lidakense, but who knows? That is why I noted that your sedums flower buds looked different.
Hi Cheryl, I bet you would love a cloudy day. Didn't you get enough with Gustav and Ike? Congrats on your new puppy.
Siria the quick and easy thing is Lamium or Vinca, but I need to explore other options.
Oh Les, you do understand!
Hi Lisa. That is my thought, Chow Fun will find a nice home. He was a good looking dog, even if he was a bit stand offish. Yep those pesky white asters, I may have to collect the seeds and spread them about.
Hi Christopher,
The weather is lovely here, but the gloom cannot be dispersed by cool weather and sunlight. Or even by turning off the news, putting hands over one's ears and singing La,la,la.
There's nothing we can do about it so we all try to find something we do have control over, like weeds and bulbs and corn and septic tanks and paths and the format of a photograph.
The dog-dumpers rolled off with no penalty or concern while you arranged for rescue...sounds like an echo of what happens nationally, as golden parachutes float dumpers to cushy landing spots and we all pay for the rescue.
Ain't that the truth Annie. Good news is I think I can be content with Goldenrod and no golden parachute.
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