Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We Wait All Year For This

For the magic to happen.


Lola said...

Oh my. Magic is not the word. Beyond that. Gorgeous. I am so glad to be able to see it through your lenses.

Dianne said...

Me too! Is the Azalea the wild variety that I keep calling Blaze since I cannot remember the appropriate name? Beautiful does not describe your garden adequately.

Danna said...

If any of us dream of having our own deciduous woodland garden....
yours is the example to emulate.
The June garden tour visitors will be enthralled!

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola it is a sight to behold.

Dianne the native wild azalea is called Flame Azalea, Rhododendron calendulaceum. It is very orange. This one is more red and is likely a horticultural and bred cultivar. We do have the native orange one too. It blooms a bit later.

Danna I consider June the Peak of the Lull when the gardens are very green. There are things blooming, but it is not a peak bloom time. I hope a few people are enthralled. The next bloom peak after the rhododendrons starts around the 4th of July. That kicks off the summer wild flowers which abound here.

Barry said...

It's like a slow-motion fireworks show, or a performance by the Mother Nature Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Master Conductor Chris. The summer concert is warming up in the wings, too!