Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Disappearance

With warmth, sunshine and water it rises from nothing. When the first two lose their potency, the tall flower meadow disappears, back into the earth from where it came. When it is gone, the other garden I have been planting appears.

The dried grasses will last into winter, joined by the baby evergreens in the garden becoming.

And joined by the accumulating Objets de. A new mangled wire basket was molded today. It is different from the first, but more in scale. Better. The purple painted tangled tomato cage found a new home out in the upper reaches of the garden. I was wondering today if the garden has already reached peak junk.

Eight half tubs of well aged dung were deposited in the roadside vegetable garden. Then I lost interest. It was cold and a passing rain shower was looking imminent. Tonight it may turn to snow.

Tall grasses in the fading forest. The roadside bed is now dominated by the grass. I'm thinking I may remove a couple clumps entirely come spring. I'm not liking the solid wall effect. It needs peep holes.

There is room in the sunny utility meadow for more grass. It is the last thing to disappear and something to look at in the barren time.


Lola said...

It will all reappear in the spring. Love those grasses. They should make a good home in the Sunny Meadow.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola next spring even more things will appear. I have been adding more herbaceous variety.

Barry said...

The baskets contorta will look very interesting if they become icicled, I think. Very nice pairing on the posts.

Rebecca said...

"Peak Junk"! Great choice of words. I think YOUR territory has not arrived at that state yet, but mine is getting closer by the year!