Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Evergreens Emerge From Hiding

One day they will be trees or tree like as the case may be. It will change the entire character of the garden becoming. The baby evergreens; holly, pine, camellia and several variety of Chamaecyparis, have reemerged from the summer Lush of the tall flower meadow. I wish they would grow faster.

The Yucca filamentosa take on more prominence as the tall flower meadow becomes a memory once more. They do grow faster and have been quite good about producing their dramatic bloom stalks. I need to experiment with germinating the seed in flats to see if I can get more that way. The question becomes, will the seedlings be variegated?

Down at the border the Miscanthus 'Morning Light' has bleached white. It will stand long through the winter.

The Chamaecyparis 'Gold Mop' off the front porch are growing. They are going to turn into a solid line if I let them. I'm not sure I want that. Maybe the middle one needs to be moved next spring. I need to ponder that.

But I keep waiting for more time to ponder. Work kind work is still keeping me busy. How did I get this many clients?

Maybe next week there will be a snow day to tack onto Thanksgiving. That would be nice.

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