Monday, August 18, 2014

I Could Have A Mowed Hillside Of Grass

Like my neighbor across the scenic byway and so many others,

But I don't.

I have a tall flower meadow instead.

That is ready to explode in a profusion of blooms.

It brings me birds and bees and butterflies.

They all like Joe Pye Weed.

I keep adding to the profusion.

My grass is tall, tall enough to get lost in.

I let my grass bloom.

I toy with annuals that might make themselves at home here.

And the wanted native perennials are allowed to claim their own territory - for now.

I could have a mowed hillside of grass, but I don't want one. That would be boring.


Barry said...

Yuh, looks like Elmer and Clem were deep in thought about the mow quality - like looking at a golf course sans trees...

Christopher C. NC said...

They do cut it putting green height. The lady of the land commented last time I spoke to her that it might be a bit short.

Danna said...

I thought I saw some Golden Rod coming out.....I love to see it next to the purple Iron Weed in Aug. and Sept.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I am as happy as the bugs that you don't have a grass hillside.

Lola said...

Grass causes a lot of work. Love the flowers instead. If only weeds would not grow. The bad kind of weed.

Christopher C. NC said...

Danna I have a lot of Goldenrod and more and more Ironweed. They are great together.

Lisa my bugs are happy. I notice them a lot more this time of year. I think it is because they are at eye level now.

Lola just weed whacking the paths and the Great Lawn is pushing my mowing limits. My bad weeds get lost in all the others. Over time I slowly edit out the unwanted.