Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Little Cabin Porn

I came home from the nursery today with plants for my garden. I actually went out there and did some gardening. That set off a mini editing spree.

This really is the year I am going to put a hurting on the goldenrod. I think I may do some more editing tomorrow. The sublime perfection of a spring meadow is now marred. I edit and drop just like I chop and drop. My tracks are starting to show. The first path mowing is coming.

Nature will be left to fill in the empty space. Nature can rock the house. I've shown you a perfect spring meadow.

I don't near as often show you the cozy cabin in situ. Today is a good day. I got to thinking while I was out there what would show up if I did a good image search of my house? I know it gets photographed a lot. It and a certain red bicycle flying through the forest trees. I am so ready for my summer traffic screening to grow back.

I'll leave you here now. Click on a picture for the slide show. I may have snuck in a little meadow porn too.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your garden looks so lush. Wonderful. The cozy cabin is looking quite at home on the mountain.