Monday, August 15, 2011

A Brief Bloom Day

It is the beginning of the end. When I got up this morning it was 57 degrees. The first wave of cold has passed through. Tomorrow morning it will be colder. The late blooms of summer are making their appearance.

One last sunflower is in full bloom. And it will be the last of them in the roadside vegetable garden. They had their time in the sun. Two glory hogging seasons. Two seasons of reduced produce. No more.

I neglected to mention the other annual sunflowers in the roadside vegetable garden. A Mexican Sunflower, Tithonia rotundifolia is also hogging space and resources in there. They bloom late and last year they got a slow start and froze before they had a chance to flower. The ever improving soil grew some much bigger Tithonia this year. It's coming to the end, but there is still plenty of time for the Tithonia to bloom and set seed. It will also have to find a new home next year.

I want more produce than I know what to do with.

There's no shortage of flowers around here. The Ironweed, Vernonia novaboracensis has been busy casting seed about the last few years and it is showing up in ever more places around the vegetable garden. They move ok when small and I have a whole sunny utility valley that needs organizing. There is ample room for more flowers outside the rows of the roadside vegetable garden.

I just don't know if I have it in me to be ruthless with the flowers that find the rich, wood chip covered soil of the vegetable garden a good place to germinate. I can't transplant them all.

At least I know I am not alone. There is a world filled with crazed and covetous gardeners just like me. And there is a place called May Dreams where they leave a petal strewn trail so you can find them.


BernieH said...

I would find it hard to move them along too. The Sunflower is terrific. Lovely blooms today.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your garden always produces such lovely flowers. They have made you sound quite poetic today. Happy GBBD.

Layanee said...

The gardener must sometimes be ruthless...sometimes.

Siria said...

I couldn't be ruthless with those gorgeous blooms!

Lola said...

Gorgeous, Yes, but they have hogged log enough. I say more veggies. Plenty of room elsewhere for those lovelies.

scottweberpdx said...

I hope you always leave a few Ironweed around...they are so very stunning!