Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Chaos Builds

I consider the weeks around the 4th of July as the next big blooming crescendo of the wild cultivated gardens. We will see if that pans out for the arrival of the sisters.

There is some muttering of a working vacation. Weeding is hinted at. I have some other chores in mind. How will they know what is a weed and what is a wildflower? Some training will be needed. At this stage of the Lush some delicacy is required to minimize damage to the blooming things.

We will be needing more gloves.


Rebecca said...

All the white in the Lush adds up to a fairy-land quality! "Enchanting" is the word that comes to my mind...

sallysmom said...

My husband helped me weed in the spring and some of my plants disappeared. Hopefully, you will have better luck.

Lola said...

Be thankful for the "help". A little guidance will go a long way. Questions, I'm sure, will be asked.

chuck b. said...

That would be a lovely working vacation.