Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's Bloom Day

Some where out there.

Is anything there, out there in the fresh frozen tall flower meadow?

Great swaths of the once Lush meadow are being pressed back into the earth.
Every rain, every snow, all that winter wind is pressing down.

But look what I found.
Hydrangea arborescens 'Winter Storm' in full bloom for December Bloom Day.

I looked further and didn't find much.
The weathers have so not been cooperating for a second coat of paint on the arbor.

It's a long road ahead until spring time.
But some where out there I know there are blooms for Bloom Day.

And when the cold night wind starts to sing a bloomless lullaby
It helps to think we're all sleeping underneath the same big blooming sky.

Meanwhile, I wait for the snow drops.


Carol Michel said...

Winter has a beauty all its own, and now you know someone is going to want to know where to get that hydrangea! Thanks for sharing your mountain with us for bloom day.

Lea said...

Interesting snow scenes!
Have a great week!

Rose said...

Perhaps no blooms, but still so beautiful! I can't help but think, though, what it must be like driving up those mountain roads this time of year--I hope you have more snow than ice this winter!

Lola said...

Winter has it's worries but in the same token it has it's own beauty. I do hope you have a warm one.

Sallysmom said...

That color on the arbor really stands out. Great on a snowy gray day.