Friday, January 31, 2020


There was a major eruption of purring upon Solly's return to her private indoor accommodations. Same me. Same house. Same bed fit for a queen. This French poodle do she woke up with was just a blip, not another unexpected twist in her previous bad hair life. This was going to be home.

I would be fine with her living in the cozy rabbit hutch on the front porch. Her living next door is a bit of an inconvenience. Button getting pushy and a possum that had started checking in for vittles too often made that life more difficult. I did not have the heart to let her hide in the forest between snacks in thirty five degree rain, snow and fog.

The warm and dry private indoor accommodations will suffice for now. At least until her bad hair day poodle do grows out. Pride structure can wait for warmer days.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You are a good man.

Cheryl K. said...

We have had to make many accommodations to make life comfortable for our four-legged companions. They generally reward us over time, though not necessarily right away. I am sure you will be rewarded in time by both Button and Solly for the not-inconsequential sacrifice of giving her a private indoor space.

Vickie said...

Oh, Christopher, you write so well.