Monday, April 16, 2012

Scenes After The Burning Freeze

I think the Creeping Phlox are winning the groundcover trials on the hillside cut at the top of my driveway. This is full sun in crappy soil that leans strongly to the dry end of the things for my dominant rainforest conditions. I'll have to start trolling Lowes for the after the bloom is done sale of Creeping Phlox. Last year I got them for .50 cents each. More lavender and purple and less pink.

Some of the azalea blooms were spared.

Daffodils continue to bloom in the annex. These were the last to make an appearance. The north facing slope in this part of the ridge top garden practically amounts to a different climate zone.

Bluebells and Dogwoods form the main show at the moment while the damage done by that freeze begins to repair itself. The astilbes are already sending up new leaves.

In another month the Lush will have made the freeze a distant and buried memory.


Lola said...

Beautiful. It won't be long & the freeze will be a memory.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola the days have been beautiful. Now we need some rain.

Lola said...

We need rain too. It would help with the fires.