Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Theory Of More In Practice

After a long pond building it was easy to think I deserved a treat. So while I was shopping in the rain today for more plants for the babbling brook there was little resistance when I found nice big two gallon Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' for six bucks. I have been looking for them all season at the right price. I bought a dozen. I hope that's enough.

I know exactly where I want to put the bulk of them on the sunny slope below the cozy cabin. The extras will be used to repeat the theme in the garden becoming. I have four of them up top at the entry now. This bold element will wander through the sunny parts of the garden.

The green species form is native in these hills. They are also evergreen and will stand through the winter to add interest in the barren season. The bloom spike is quite dramatic. I was really taken by them when the first ones I planted bloomed this year. A mass of these bloom spikes will be quite the show.

Six dollars! It was a great bargain for plants this nice. I couldn't pass it up.

I accidentally picked up another little plant for myself while shopping for the pond today.

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' is a groundcover sumac with very fragrant leaves and great fall color as you can see. It is an East Coast native that will grow 2 to 3 feet tall with a spread of 6 to 8 feet. I have been eyeing it for weeks when I have been at the nursery and finally succumbed. I can give it a good home. It will make a unique specimen plant and I have the perfect spot for it.

All I have to do is weed out space in the wild things to make room for planting. Some wildflowers will have to be sacrificed in the planting. Not to worry. There is no shortage of them and they will reseed themselves and come right back.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

I have the Lo-Grow Sumac,love it!! The fall color is great.

Siria said...


Lola said...

Gorgeous. How fortunate that you found them at that price.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Great finds. It will be interesting to see where all you plant everything.

Christopher C. NC said...

Janet I am excited about my Gro-Low Sumac and plan to plant the other native Rhus glabra nearby.

Siria the yuccas will certainly give me some color in the winter.

Lola six bucks was less than half the price I had been seeing all this year.

Lisa Saturday will be my planting day. A little weeding first.