Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Theory Of More Planted*

Some weeding is needed to make room for my new Yucca filamentosa.

I pretty much need a blank slate to be able to get the spacing I want. I did find the Creeping Raspberry, Rubus calycinoides that was transplanted to this slope in the spring in all that Lush. It was still alive and had grown a bit.

The intent is to have the yuccas in a bed of Creeping Raspberry on this end. I'll have to keep weeding my way towards that. Bare dirt is a powerful invitation to the Lush.

Less weeding was involved at the other end. I had already done it.

Here the yucca will merge with Clematis stans, dianthus and iris.

The theory of more planted. I can picture them in a mass bloom of floral extravagance and when the world is completely barren, the yuccas will still be there.

I putter in the tall flower meadow with a theme in mind and no detailed plan. Something is happening.

*Some wildflowers were killed in the act of planting. I didn't plant a one of them so I know they will be back.


Lola said...

It sure is looking good. I like where you put the yuccas. I managed to get the whiskey barrel with the Shenandoah grass in it re-potted. After separating it I had 4 more plants to put out. Found 2 other plants in it. I hope I didn't kill it. I think Vintage Wine was 1. Mum was the other.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola I am liking the yuccas a lot. They are not what you would expect in a NC mountain top garden.