The autumnal equinox has been delayed until the 23rd this year so it seems. I assumed tomorrow would be Fall. This warm dry weather we have been having makes the delay seem reasonable. And the burst of flowering perennials that has swept over the mountain top in the last two weeks makes the idea of fall almost foreign.
Speaking of foreign, the Japanese Anemone are having a stellar year.

One of at least three native species of goldenrod here, I think
Solidago roanensis, is also putting on a nice show. This one actually does well in the shadier places in the wild cultivated garden.

A little fall like color has also landed on my living room walls. I like it. I'm ok with it. I like it.

Please stop changing colors with the light!!!! On one wall it is lovely. On the other so so. Of course it changes color as it dries too. In every picture it shows up a different shade and the color will vary from one computer monitor to the next.
I like it. I'm ok with it. I'll live with it for a while and see how it works in all the variations of light that will pass over and through the cozy cabin.

The New England Asters are here,
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae. I'd be happier with them if they were not five to six feet tall and leaning when they bloom. The five foot tall
Impatiens capensis behind the asters at least have the decency to stand up or fall to the ground completely. Do you believe it? My wild impatiens are five feet tall.

The ridge top garden is literally an ocean of white foam now from the White Snakeroot,
Ageratina altissima. The first bit of Blue Wood Aster,
Symphyotrichum cordifolium in equal abundance is just beginning to bloom.

Ah, the lovely seed heads of
Clematis virginiana that I hate.

It's near Fall and the Japanese Anemones are having a very good year.