There was still plenty of daylight left when I got back at four and I headed out to the ridge top garden to finish off the last of the stick removal. Mostly this was cutting down the remaining dried stalks of the perennial wild flowers.
A new daffodil opened today, 'Rip Van Winkle'.

And there were new patches of crocus in their prime. When you look there is always more. This is one of the new patches that was planted last fall. I think Bulbarella forgot to put daffodils in some of her new plantings.

All this cleaning is making the very tiny minor bulbs like Chionodoxa forbesii much more visible.

If I do say so myself this is the cleanest the ridge top garden has been since I arrived. It only took me three years to gain the upper hand. This round of tidiness should last until about mid-June when the explosive growth really kicks in.

I just need to do a light raking of all the paths and everything will be ready for the Bulbapaloozathon, at least up here. Next I must attend to the sunny utility meadow. There are far fewer branches from the trees in there and it is mostly the dried sticks of last year's perennials. A quick zip through with the hedge clippers and all will be well. As well as the level of tidiness that is going to happen in the wild cultivated gardens.

The big pink Puschkinia scilliodes is back and happy. I do believe there are more of them this year.

The Iris reticulata 'Harmony' blooms have been lasting for a good long time. The warm days ahead may finish them off.

The old fire pit was planted last fall with tulips, crocus, snowdrops and something else seems to be coming up in there, but I do not know what yet.

Just think if you buy, divide, seed and plant several hundred bulbs every fall for 20 years, picking up and flattening all the dead brown sticks could be an important part of a proper display in the spring.