Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coming To Its End

I'm afraid the Tall Flower Meadow is down for the count. It is not going to do the full on glory of last year. The show is over for the season. All that's left are remnants. Crushed, even the spectacle of white fuzzy seed heads is pretty much lost. I can start the process to expose the under garden and watch the meadow slowly fade away.

The Kousa Dogwood has started its transformation. It turns much later than the native dogwood.

In the distance, entire mountains begin to blaze.

The Sisters will be arriving at a perfect time for fall. My hope now is that we will have several freezes before any heavy snowfall. I want my grasses to stand for the winter.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

We are having warmer than usual weather here. I wonder if the freezes will be a bit slow to arrive this year. Good luck.

Christopher C. NC said...

It has been warmish here too Lisa. I don't consider that unusual, but we have not had any blasts of true cool yet which is unusual.

Lola said...

Had to turn my ac back on. Got too warm for me. I do hope the grasses will perform.