Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Walk Through The Garden

Two full days of post wicked storm cleanup were done this weekend. There were a lot of limbs and branches to pick up, one fallen tree and perennials that needed fluffing. I did a little extra chopping because it was long overdue. A fresh mowing of all the paths was begun. The gardens will be ready for Sister #2.

I did stop to smell the lilies more than once.

Round about 5pm I decided a nap was in order. Post nap I took a little stroll. Long days do have their benefits.

My baby Aesculus parviflora is blooming very nicely.

The species Lilium leichtlinii I ordered and planted last fall are blooming. I hope they get more robust with age. They all came up, but some crapped out before blooming. I have to hope the voles don't find them too.

A crinum bulb survived a milder winter. Will it continue to survive way up here? Will it ever bloom? What color will it be? Time will tell. Are crinums poisonous to bulb eating varmints?

The rotten iris log is almost gone. I have been debating whether or not to replace it with a fresh log sections.

It's made for resting and setting. I don't get to that very often.

Up by the roadside the daylilies continue to bloom. They are past the mid point of peak bloom.

The Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra is getting big and spreading like a fiend. I hope I don't come to regret this choice. I better see knock your socks off fall color or this will be reconsidered.

The biggest Joe Pye is in the roadside vegetable garden. It is a good seed source for dispersal to the rest of the wild cultivated gardens.

The Plume Poppy, Macleaya cordata, could be a little more aggressive. It was billed as such. I'm still waiting.

Gooseneck Loosestrife is definitely aggressive. Lucky we have the space.

The paths and Great Lawn in my garden will get a fresh mowing before company arrives.

Barring anymore wicked storms before next weekend, all will be looking good. It is even possible there will be fresh yellow squash for the dinner table.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Goose neck loosestrife has to be pulled and pulled in my garden. I probably shouldn't have it here in my small garden but I do love seeing those white necks. It does well in arrangements too. My favorite sumac is the staghorn sumac. I think all of them run like yours is doing. Even the hybrid Tigereye sumac runs like crazy. It is pretty all the time tho it doesn't provide any nourishment for wildlife only eye candy for us humans.

Christopher C. NC said...

I may need to start cutting sumac sprouts next year Lisa. I knew it would spread and allotted it a big space, but it spreads far as in six to eight feet in all directions immediately. I love the foliage. It just better be super colorful this fall. I have coveted the Staghorn Sumac. Maybe now I can reconsider that.

Unknown said...

In pic #12, your gooseneck loosestrife is beautiful. I'd like to plant a patch. Will it get invasive? In what type of location is it best planted? Would 'Grass Roots' have it?

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes Dana, Gooseneck Loosestrife will be invasive. It needs a good amount of sun to bloom well. I actually think I did see some at Grass Roots. If not, I have plenty to share.