Sunday, July 17, 2016

Peak Lily

This is the service entrance's finest hour. It is at peak lily. The aroma is mesmerizing.

One would think more lilies in the garden would be in order. They are. But. Lilies are a favorite snack for the bulb eating varmints. Planting them is a risky and at times heart breaking endeavor.

These service entrance bulbs are surrounded by a stacked block wall on two sides, the gravel parking lot and septic tank on the other two. There is no easy way to tunnel in. These lilies are slightly safer.

That did not save them from some stem boring insect two years in a row. Then I got wise and started dousing them with cayenne pepper when they first pop up in the spring.

Further down in the same some what protected bed, more lilies are ready to open. I think they are pink. I also think lilies can morph over several years to a more standard species type than what they originally came as. I can live with that if they are willing to grow bigger and keep coming back.

This butterfly was following me around.

Out there in a meadow, Rudbeckia blooms.

At mid-summer Joe Pye is starting to bud. I have been finding more liatris in purple. One species of Goldenrod has the first wash of yellow. The Tall Flower Meadow is stirring.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Oh how I admire those tall lilies. I love lily time.

Unknown said...

"Behold the lilies of the field, see how they grow." Hope you have some Turk's cap lilies up there (Lilium superbum) of my summer favorites♡! I've already framed two of your garden pics....need a third, with Turk's cap.

Sallysmom said...

Those lilies are gorgeous.