Sunday, April 5, 2020

Spring Days

We can start at the Posh Estate. The hillsides are blooming.

With Creeping Phlox

And Celandine Poppy.

With Cherry Trees on top.

The shrubberies are joining in.

That is Korean Spice Viburnum and Pearlbush.

The Celandine Poppy were brought home to the mountain top.

And turned wild.

The PJM Rhododendron are in full bloom. This would be the time we regularly get another blast of cold and snow. It would be nice if that did not happen.

The Puschkinia have started to fade.

The bulbs are having a good warm spring so far. That makes for happy bulbs able to store energy for an even better bloom next year. Last year they got cold smacked.

Anemone nemorosa.

There has been progress in returning Solly Kitty back to the wild. Her world is about to change again when her new mama and a roommate arrive next week. She is getting a new pride.

I come home to rest.

The Under Garden had a most excellent winter.

High on the low spot of a North Carolina mountain top.

The blush of spring is in the trees.

In the land of the Crooked Shed.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

That phlox is gorgeous. I wonder how Solly is going to react to someone in "her" place. ha... Everything is looking quite beautiful. They say that it is to get awfully cold here. Bah humbug.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa, cats are very sensitive to any disturbance in the equilibrium of their environment. I just have to hope this next transition goes smoothly. We have cold on tap for end of the week. At least it isn't looking like devastating killer cold.