Monday, October 1, 2007

Making my Escape

I can't help but get angry as I watch the same small group of arrogant fools lead this nation into the abyss. They think they can cover up the disaster and responsibility for their first botched war by blaming it on someone else and starting a new one.

I can't help but get angry when I see there are not enough people of good sense, good conscience and moral principle in the halls of Congress to stand up and say NO to this small group of arrogant fools beating the same drum of lies and deception that created their first big mess.

You can fool me once. You can't fool me twice. Wait. You know what I mean. You're not going to fool me anymore.

Aren't the members of Congress paying attention when the head fool speaks or are they too busy making promises and gathering up buckets of money to get re-elected?

You can be assured that if this small group of arrogant fools is not stopped that a government of the people, by the people and for the people is no more. It will have ceased to exist.

Sometimes it is necessary to slip away from the anger.

To spend some time in a different reality.

I make my escape

Temporarily to another world.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if the zero comments were a reflection of your politics or what, but I can relate to the feeling of 'escaping" to nature! Thanks for the great photos; I have been feeling very depressed over my garden due to this prolonged drought. It was nice to see that plants elsewhere are doing well!

EAL said...

Yes, the child health care thing is spiking my disgust at the moment. Though there is so much. I escape in many ways. (takes another drink)

Christopher C. NC said...

Bev, the zero comments for such a spell may not be "my" politics so much as politics in general entering other gardener's places of escape.

Drinking stopped working for me Elizabeth. I had to face reality and find new ways to find some serenity. I tried to put that idea in the post, but it wasn't coming out well so I scrapped it.

Brevity works too.