Monday, March 12, 2012


It started raining shortly after I came home from work

as a human bush hog cutting wild rose and Oriental Bittersweet off a steep slope. I was too tired to go on a stroll anyway.


Jean Campbell said...

Ah, Spring!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You need to hire some goats then you could be a shepherd and not be so tired all day. What a lovely bit of blue to soften your time of relaxation.

Christopher C. NC said...

Nell jean it is going to be spring all week. We're headed into the 70's.

Lisa the goats have eaten their section of the posh estate down to the nub. Plan I heard was to move their fence and clear another larger section. Only 30 more acres of wild rose and Oriental Bittersweet to go.

Anonymous said...

30 acres! You definitely need goats!
