Saturday, April 20, 2013

Trilliums In The Uncultivated Gardens

Self sown or gardener sown? After a while with plants like Lunaria annua it may not be possible to know. It is known that the gardener will sow seeds like this. The gardener just can't take credit for all the Lunaria. In the wild cultivated gardens many things can and do turn wild.

Deep in the uncultivated gardens are some wild things that would be nice to bring into cultivation where they would be allowed to run wild. Trillium cernuum, one of four trillium species here, is already well established in the garden becoming.

Trillium erectum is rare here. I have only found it in two places as individual plants. It would be nice to have some in the garden becoming, but I hesitate to move one when there are so few. I need to go scout for more. If I can find one more, I'll transplant one of them.

Trillium grandiflorum is amazingly prolific in the uncultivated gardens. I do plan to move many of them into the garden becoming where they will hopefully become equally prolific. It is the showiest of all the trilliums here. Another abundant narrower petaled white trillium, possibly T. catesbaei lives in the deep forest too. A few of those could be scooped up for relocation.

I am selecting weeds for the cultivated sections of the garden becoming in the hopes of replacing most of the weeds I don't want with some prettier competition.

Just imagine a structured garden filled with weeds that are all desirable wildflowers. It would no longer be needed or possible to do much weeding. The wild and the cultivated merge to form a new garden. Give me a decade of editing and I just might be able to do it.

1 comment:

Sallysmom said...

It's all beautiful~!