Thursday, February 27, 2014

Down To 13

And the blooms are still here. They just wait patiently for a warmer day. No sense in opening if the pollinators won't be coming.

The Witch Hazels are looking fine.

These pictures were taken late this afternoon after it had warmed above freezing. I did not look this morning to see if they had closed up shop during the cold.

Tomorrow morning will be just as cold. I'm curious to see if the Witch Hazel blooms close up in the cold.

No snow, just cold and the earliest blooms of spring


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Don't you love Witch Hazels. I think they are so interesting. I can't wait until mine get big.

Lola said...

They sure do look pretty. Must check to see if they will live here.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I very much look forward to the Witch Hazels being large shrubs that I can see from the front porch in magnificent bloom.

Lola I bet you are on the southern limit of being able to grow Witch Hazel. It's worth a try.