Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The First Sign Of Life

I see crocus.

I see crocuses. I'm seeing crocus before snowdrops over here. That seems wrong. But these could be the sack of super early crocus there was talk of. The question then becomes, how many crocus did I plant in this bed by the front steps? Warmth will reveal the answer.

It's the first sign of life. That's good enough for now.

There's still no sign of any daffodils. It will be interesting to find out where I planted them all.


Lola said...

In time. Looks like Spring is on it's way.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Lucky you. Still snow covered here.

Danna said...

I have to mark plantings with flags. Am up so seldom, don't want to weed whack the babies' new leaves.