Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Leaving Blue

If I didn't have to leave for work. If it wouldn't appear too odd. I might park a chair at the top of my driveway and watch the chicory until it closed for the day.

It is spreading by its own means and at its own pace. My seed flinging has been to little effect. I need chicory I can see while sittin' on the front porch. I'll fling some more seed.


Lola said...

Love that blue.

Rebecca said...

Oh, I need chicory, too! I'm always in awe of how it grows naturally in tandem with the common orange day lily and heads of fine Queen Anne's Lace along the roads here...

Sallysmom said...

Don't give a thought to the chair sitting. Sit up there and watch it all you want. I wish I had some chicory to watch.