Sunday, January 20, 2019

Inside My Lair

I woke up to 22 degrees and a light snow continuing to fall on a stiff wind. Most of the day was spent frozen at a steady seventeen. I made some grits.

I looked outside.

My phone rarely rings except when I try to take a nap. I laid down to take a nap. The phone rang. The call was annoying as they usually are.

Don't you know it is cold out there?

I have no intention of leaving my comfy lair tomorrow. The high will be too low.

I am quite well connected to the Borg from in here, though I can hear this shout at times, "Pull the plug!"

But you can't escape civilization. The Borg will always be there in some form.

I can however step outside, even in a strong breeze when it is seventeen.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Stay in. It is too easy for frost bite in this kind of cold.