Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shasta Daisies

I feel cooler just looking at them. That sweeping drift of white reminds me of colder days. Now I know my hot does not compare in any way to most of you poor souls out there, but after four years at this altitude my thermostat has been re-calibrated. When it gets close to 90 degrees it makes me hot and it makes me sweat. I don't do a whole lot of that anymore.

Granted by the time I get home to the low spot, high on a North Carolina mountain top, it is cooler than where I came from. I think I will be needing more Shasta Daisies though for cool thoughts in mid summer.

Client #1's garden is doing summer too. His Shasta Daises don't have quite the same effect. I sweat more down there.

I sweat for this and a surprising number of compliments from the clients of Client #1.

I know how to have tidy manicured gardens. I just can't have one of my own.


Lola said...

Love those Daises. They do look cool. Client's garden is very lovely.
Go outside here past 10 in the morning & you get wet. So hot here but we are cooler than a little north of here.
Crazy weather.

Anonymous said...

I am about 2500 ft on my side of the mountain and trust me, it has been hot, hot. I have been waiting for the cool front that is supposed to come through this week. Maybe today? I do my gardening early in the morning and late in the evening. The neighbor's son works during the hot mowing and trimming our lawns. He can't seem to get up early.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I think this is why I like my white phlox. It looks cool even in the heat of summer when it begins to bloom. Try to stay cool.