Monday, September 16, 2013

The West Asheville Garden Stroll 2013

The computer was in an exceptionally good mood when I came home. Down right fast. It was shocking. I figured I'd best strike while the internet is humming.

WAGS 2013

The link is to a photo album of this year's garden stroll. Once you get there you can choose the slide show option or click on any picture and use the next button to view them at your own pace. Enjoy.


Dianne said...

Loved the pictures. Saw a lot of good ideas. Couldn't believe the red stem cotton on pic 124. Thank you for sharing.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Thank you Christopher. Good to hear that your internet is behaving,even if for a short time.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Just finished looking at your collection of photos. They were fun and full of inspiration.

Christopher C. NC said...

Dianne I need to go back and get seeds of that red cotton. I want some.

Lisa I have my fingers crossed for the internet. I'm putting off buying a new computer until I have no other choice. Next I need to add some captions to the photos.

lh said...

Thank you. What fun. What wonderful imaginations in West Asheville.

Dianne said...

I did not see bowls on the cotton. Was it planted long enough for it to make and get seeds? My sister grew some last year, I believe, and sent me pics.

Christopher C. NC said...

Louis, West Asheville is still a bit gritty, but it is indeed full on inspiration.

Dianne it had a lot of fat cotton bolls on it. I just have to hope the florist shop that tends this garden doesn't use them all.

Anonymous said...

wonderful photos!!