Sunday, September 13, 2015

The West Asheville Garden Stroll 2015

The 7th annual West Asheville Garden Stroll was held yesterday. I am the official photographer and delivery boy. As a photographer I may not take the sharpest picture, no tripod, no time for that, and my eye is often drawn to the curios and the accoutrements before the flowers and foliage. So be it.

The neighborhoods of West Asheville are fascinating for the architecture that spans the 1920's to the present and the often random manner in which a city was parked on the mountainous terrain. Tiny urban lots with barely ten feet around the house in all directions exist with other homes with half acre back yards.

You just never know what you are going to find in there.

The weather was perfect. The people were happy and smiling. It was a wonderful stroll.

A photo album of the gardens is posted. Once there you can choose the slide show option or go at your own pace by clicking on a picture and using the next arrows.


Unknown said...

Awesome photos. Makes me want to visit.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

A lot of interesting "stuff". The galvanized metal and wood was a good combination. That was a large nettle, good thing they warned the curious.

C. C. said...

I love all the found objects. Photo #104 makes me wish I'd insisted on keeping the trunk of the giant tuliptree that fell in our garden last year instead of having it cut up and hauled away. The neighbors thought I was crazy for wanting it to be a feature in the garden. It was beautiful.

Jane said...

Loved the pictures, thanks for the link! I so enjoy seeing what other gardeners have in their gardens.

Christopher C. NC said...

Asheville is a fun town to visit Hugh.

Lisa his stinging nettle looks nothing like my stinging nettle. I would have touched it.

CC I saw that huge log in the backyard of a house that wasn't a garden on the stroll while I was walking down the street. The owner was out weeding and I chatted with her, but didn't ask if she planned to keep it. Basically it dropped a tree size limb and crushed her garage. The tree had too much interior rot and had to come down.

Jane garden tours and rubbernecking at walking speed can't be beat.

beverly said...

I also love the found objects. I am always looking for inspiration with those.