Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Someone is digging big holes in my fresh dung pile. My best guess would be the resident possum, who I suspect is the same varmint digging holes in the Great Lawn and the roadside vegetable garden. The dung pile is chock full of earthworms. I'm sure they are a very tasty snack.

I have far more dung than I have the time and energy to screen the gravel out of. Instead of moving it, I've decided to just make a vegetable garden annex. I'm just going to shovel it all flat and turn this space into a garden. This will be the squash and melon department.

I have half a pile of gravel left to move. I need to do some measuring and level checking in the basement patio before I spread the rest of it around to more clearly define the parking lot. Some kind of visual border between the parking lot and the vegetable garden annex would be nice.

I'm tired of looking at this pile of collectibles. The wood stored in there is probably long since turned rotten. I was going to build a little shed with it, so I had a place to put the collectibles. I need a little shed. I can do it. The hardest part is getting started.

There is a pile of sticks and branches in the fire pit ready to burn. There are more piles of sticks out in the garden. The forest sheds a lot of crap when the wind blows. There are piles of sticks and branches all over the wild cultivated gardens and even bigger piles just over the county line. I don't rake leaves. I have more than enough sticks to pick up.

I have piles of things all over the place. There are of piles of dirty laundry and piles of clean laundry. I currently have a big pile of picture frames in my little living room for the upcoming art show. All these piles are calling for my attention.

I have not been back down to the basement patio in days. I need to make a decision on my bricks. I need to measure and contemplate what kind of table and chairs to get. Does it need any more gravel? Good thing this is a winter long project.


Unknown said...

Bet your squash and melon will be of the highest quality next summer. Btw, did you see my comment/question on yesterday's third photo?

Lola said...

Time will take care of it all. Just keep on thinking about it.

beverly said...

I bet you could pile the gravel around the bricks and not have to dig them in, perhaps. Yes I completely understand piles; I have 20 of them in my woods waiting to be hauled away. It is hard to get motivated to start something, I agree. Usually I need a deadline of some sort. Good luck with your piles.

ps art show? Did I miss a previous post?

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes Dana that is a view from above your place in Smoky Mountain Sanctuary. I grew some very nice pumpkins in the dung piles two years ago.

Lola time is also just as likely to give me more piles to replace these. I'd love to have a pile of wood chips.

Putting gravel around the bricks instead of digging them in may be a good idea Bev. I'll have to check that out. I burned all the wood piles in the garden three winters ago. Since then I have kept them confined to two piles per garden section. Once the basement patio is done, a little shed will move up the list.

Christopher C. NC said...

Oh, the art show. The West Asheville Garden Stroll is presenting an art show of my pictures from the last seven years of the stroll. The show is to promote the stroll, the community seed money grants and to entice new volunteers. It opens Jan 9th. Meanwhile I have 52 picture frames sitting in my living room waiting for the printed photos to arrive. I'll post an album of the show closer to show time.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I can't even imagine the piles of sticks you must get in your garden. I have more than I can deal with in my tiny garden. Time to get that shed built too. You could have all sorts of collectibles hidden away all nice and neat.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa you are such a slave driver.