Saturday, January 28, 2017

Cold Activities

Word is snow is on the way. It's certainly cold enough. A few other ingredients are still missing.

A frigid morning gave way to forty degrees for a short interlude. 'Diane' unfurled to take in the warmish. The beasts spent a little time out there too. Not much time, they are spoiled creatures.

I spent two hours in the cold basement utility closet next door purging. There is less stuff in there now. Now there is stuff laying around outside at both houses that need a ride to the dump. I doubt this purge will meet Sister #2's expectations. Baby steps.

A little chop and drop was accomplished as the warmish faded. I have a long way to go and a March 1st deadline. The task feels more daunting this year. There has not been much assistance from the weathers. I also need to find a good pair of long handled hedge clippers to make the job easier on my back.


Excuse me. I wandered off to the Amazon in search of long handled manual hedge trimmers. Good quality Japanese kind are pricey. No, I would never harm 'Diane' with hedge clippers.

What to do? I want them. I need them and will need them for years to come. I should probably just buy then now before the trade wars begin.


1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Good thinking regarding the purchase. Diane is a doll.