Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ka-Bloom Day

The summer rumbles have been active all week. Kitties don't do lightning and thunder and down pours.

The garden has been enjoying all this water though. Me too. I don't have time to water things. It's Bloom Day and the summer time flowers are beginning to stir. The Wamboldtopian Rose Campion has arrived.

 Thermopsis caroliniana is in full bloom.

These are easy to start from seed. I need to do that again on my new seed sowing table that keeps things away from the slugs and snails that just love fresh sprouts.

I planted the iris. Nature gave me the rest. Thanks nature.

I planted the spirea and am now considering getting rid of it because it self sows just a bit too much. Even the small plants have a deep, hard to pull tap root. It is annoying.

It looks pretty green out there.

But there are all kinds of weed flowers beginning to bloom. The Ox-Eye Daisy is scattered through out.

There is Black and Blue Salvia in pots on the basement patio. The Lush lurks in the distance.

I had two of the native Astilbe biternata. I am assuming the voles ate the other one over the winter. Damn varmints! I'll have to go dig more. This is a great plant for summer bloom in the deep shade.

'Black Gamecock' is nearing the end.

The bloom of the Tall Flower Meadow is a slow building process that peaks at the end of summer with a massive display. In the meantime a stroll through the garden reveals that more than enough is still going on.

Stalking the Japanese Iris.

Two of these fell out of the ground as seedlings. I brought them home and grew them to blooming size plants. The second is about to open and I will find out if I got a different color.

The native Whorled Loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia, is rather abundant in the garden. That seems to be a common trait of Loosestrife.

Listen. Whoville is calling.

It just so happens there is this loud bodacious Meidiland rose at the top of my driveway. I am not a rose person, but this one is so no maintenance I let it stay.

Summer rumbles and chicory go hand in hand.

And last, but not least, one of my Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' is about to do a super bloom with seven spikes. It is going to be fabulous and then the whole plant will die off and have to start over from the root crown. So be it.

I hope you enjoyed Bloom Day high on the low spot of a North Carolina mountain top. Now go visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for all your other Bloom Day needs.


Lea said...

All pretty blooms, but it is the red rose that really catches my eye!
Have a great day!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You bet I enjoyed it. Lushly lovely.

Sally said...

Beautiful combination of wildflowers and hybrids. I love the sworled loosestrife....I have to see if it's a native here in NE. Thanks for sharing your little piece of heaven on earth!