Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Almighty Falls Returns

So did the great blue heron. Damn varmints! It always eats the prettiest fish. I finally had to put netting over all five vats of pond scum.

With the threat of extended cold receding and the planting of the wedding cake garden coming soon, it was time to put the pump back in and turn the falls back on.

Each spring it must be checked to make sure all is in working order.

So far so good.

It really is a hideous pile of rocks sitting on top of an incredible natural spring emanating from a giant vein of rock surrounded by interesting old stone walls. It could have been so much better, but I am not a trackhoe. There was a limit to the size of rocks I could wiggle.

Fortunately the gardener's greenery is growing along nicely to help soften things up.

The vast majority of people are so impressed by its sheer size and volume they would never think it could have been designed better. It works. I have to be satisfied with that.

The growing greenery will help much in the coming years to settle it in to place.


Sallysmom said...

In the background of your pics, it looks like some type of stonework for terraces??

Christopher C. NC said...

Yes those old stone walls terrace the slope. They will be planted to look like a wedding cake in the next month.