Saturday, May 25, 2019

Let Them Eat Fine Produce

I promised myself I would reclaim the roadside vegetable garden from its feral status this year. I went ahead and redid the front bed too.

I nuked it twice with that evil weed killer. I dug a lot of ironweed. It does not transplant well at all.

Turning the soil would only invite the feral to return.

I'm repainting Uncle Ernie. It's time.

There will be mulch. No turning. No plowing.

Then I will plant things. Some fine produce will happen.

It's a big refresh of my whole roadside. It was time.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Looking good especially Uncle Ernie. The critters will enjoy your revival of the veg garden. Good luck.

Sallysmom said...

How about a closeup of Uncle Ernie?