Sunday, December 15, 2019

Not A Bloom Day

December is the only month of the year that finding a bloom in the garden is likely impossible. That does not mean the garden is closed for lack of interest.

I made sure the garden would have interest, flowers or not, all year long.

But the lack of blooms is short lived. I made sure of that too. Big fat snowdrops are already pushing up from the cold wet ground.

A fifteen foot diameter circle of snowdrops will surround 'In Hawaiian Waters' in the next month. Will they be in bloom by the 15th of January 2020? We'll find out next Bloom Day.

For now I have plenty winter interest even when things are covered in snow. You can also check out Bloom Day Headquarters for flowers from around the world.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

We have about the same here. I don't have any snowdrops showing yet.

Anna K said...

Although I do have some blooms, my biggest enjoyment in winter always comes from foliage. Hooray for snowdrops - they are so cheery!

Arun Goyal said...

Beautiful shots,snowdrops are thrilling to watch ,hope they will bring some blooms in your garden,Happy blogger blooms day.

Lea said...

Wow! Snowdrops coming up already!
Have a great week and Merry Christmas!