Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Sunny Utility Meadow

This is the land between two driveways.

Over the river and through the woods.

Can your lawn do this?

This is a spring meadow filled with Bulbarella's plantings.

She followed right behind me as I tidied things up.

But she could plant faster than I could tidy.

Planting and expansion, save the Turnip Fields, has pretty much come to a halt.

Tidy is beginning to catch up with all the plants.

There might have been electricity in this house in the sunny utility meadow before it was all over.

Bluebells and Ajuga were sprinkled generously through out.

All kind lily, peony, iris and flower bushes followed.

And the big foliage plant Astilboides tabularis returned to tell me my father was here.

Look now cause a Blackberry Winter is coming this weekend. A perfect spring could be over. We shall see.

The sunny utility meadow between driveways.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Yep, we are expecting a freeze here too. Frost is most probable. UGH... So late in the season.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I sure hope it isn't too bad. I see snow for Saturday morning and a low of 30 for Sunday. At least a very fine spring of the entire wild cultivated gardens is on record.