Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Summer Showers

A faint blush of blue, a long ago notion in my head, appears at the start of a summer meadow. Baptisia remains sparse with strong competition much to my dismay. The Amsonia is showing much better vigor in these conditions.

Dryer has made for some nice chore doing weather. Sister #2 has been here for the week. We have been busy.

The Turnip Fields got planted with their first virgin crop. Sister #2 came home with a full flat of tomatoes, thirty six of them. I let her plant twelve.

There are ten and counting tomatoes planted in the roadside vegetable garden already. I have been planting squashes, cucumber, beets, carrots, okra and peppers. The potatoes I left in the ground last year are looking good. The parsnips are in bloom. Photographic evidence of future fine produce may show up eventually.

It takes rain to make Lush. We need those summer showers.

For gifted pink penstemon.

And Indian Physic. The deer ate most of the other one. Damn varmints!

That blue blush in a meadow shows up better in person and with the right kind light.

Speaking of light, the fireflies have begun. Fireflies and June are one.

In the Land of the Crooked Shed.

Where the Kousa Dogwood is weighted down by bloom.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Looking good. I wish we had some of your rain. Dry here. The early big rains made plants grow fast and thick. Now things are lying down pouting about not enough moisture. I can only water so much. Your veggie garden sounds yummy. You will have plenty of tomatoes.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I am afraid of how many tomatoes will be having. I may have to open a roadside produce stand.