Thursday, December 31, 2020

On A Warm New Year's Eve

The snow finished melting.

I did contemplate beginning the process of the new interior loft window trim. I bought the boards more than a week ago. Power lounging seemed more doable. So I did that.

There was a short bout of some chop and drop. No need to go crazy though. There is a full winter of meadow remnant squashing ahead.

The black Liriope sprigs I planted a few seasons ago seems to be doing well enough. I detect some spreading.

After a nap I went for a stroll.

It was 60 degrees out there. Last week it was 6.

Tomorrow for New Year's Day there will be wave of tropical waters. I may have to power lounge some more.

I love my garden. It has reached a point where the maintenance input is minimal and the Under Garden is a place of substance in the Barren Time.

It was warm enough for a cat to go out.

On the mountain top where the yucca grows.

Happy New Year.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Happy New Year...I agree, the garden is always a great place to be.

beverly said...

Happy New Year to you also; the Under Garden is becoming impressive. I am interested how well it does while basically hidden from much light during the growing season?

Christopher C. NC said...

Happy New Year Lisa. I go out in the garden and have been having this strong urge to plant more things now, the wrong time for that of course. Maybe. I've been adding more natives and hardy geraniums and such in the shadier parts of the garden of late.

Happy New Year Beverly. The Under Garden plants would be happier in a full sun mulched bed without the competition and shade of the meadow that is for sure. There is a small degree of stunting and reaching up for the sun in their growth. It is minimal because I give them skylights in the growing season and make sure nothing sits directly on them. That is the most damaging. As they get bigger, their own size and height helps make skylights and keep the competition tamped down. Checking the skylights twice during the season is generally enough to make sure they are ok.