Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Untying Hairballs

There was a successful attempt to get into the old Picasa photo editor as you can see by the copy right text in the first photo. On the second try I was locked out again. Something is amiss and remains so. I can't keep storing photos on this computer.

Computers have a mind of their own. I am starting to lose my mind. The forgetting has begun. This blog is extremely dated and is in desperate need of a makeover. Merging the computer mind with my mind to accomplish that seems like a rather daunting task these days.

I muddle along entwined in a hairball.

The snow melted quickly. I've been wandering about to see how fresh spring growth fared in the snowy cold.

The daffodils were still there with only a few more bent flower stems. Freeze damage of any form was undetectable.

All of that fresh green growth is bulbs. In two more weeks, Bulbarella's mountain will be covered in blooming Spanish Bluebells. If all goes well. That is never a given.

Trilliums and Celandine Poppy are multiplying with abandon.

Tomorrow, I go for my post-secondary cataracts eyeball checkup. Hairballs. Eyeballs. The garden grows on.


beverly said...

Computers are one of my pet peeves. I bet you money they waste as much time as they save, if anyone bothered to seriously study it (which will never happen. As a retired doc, I always say if they don't want to know the answer to a question, they just never study it). But the garden always restores our peace......

Christopher C. NC said...

Beverly I have seen so many examples of the inefficiency of computer and web connected phone technology too many times to count and have long believed they make things more complicated not less.